

♥ V-Day ♥

First and foremost...Happy Valentine's Day!
I know a lot of people out there who are extra happy today with their teddy bears, chocolates, and flowers from the one's that they love the most =).
I wish I was able to spend this day with a special someone (you know who you are), but he's about 85 miles away right now and he already knows that I love him. ♥.
Let's take time this day and everyday to tell those who are closest to us how much we love them.

"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything."




It's Friday!!
Meaning...It's time to Party!!....well maybe lol. It all depends on how much work I get done that decides whether or not I can go out this weekend =/. But regardless of all that, it's Friday and should be a good day.
Lately, where I've been, it has been pretty cold (and when I say cold, I mean below zero in the morning and only getting up to about 15℉). With the snow storm last week, it's perfectly understandable for it to be cold, but now it's starting to get warmer =). Mid 50 degree weather FTW!
It makes me more and more excited for spring to get here, and more importantly SPRING BREAK!

Outfit of the Day:
Beige Cardigan: Forever 21
Fuschia Tank Top
Metallic Necklace: Buckle
Floral Earrings: Forever 21



Birthday Weekend =)

So this past weekend was my bday weekend (my actual birthday was February 4th). It was a lot of fun! I went back home for the weekend and had dinner with my family on Friday. Saturday was my relaxation day. I got a chance to go to the mall and spend at least one of the gift cards that I got for Christmas. I was suppose to get things at Forever 21 for Spring but I couldn't really find much, but I did manage to get a watch and bracelet from Charming Charlie (that store is amazing!!).

FEARLESS Bracelet: Only about $5, made of a rubber material
Watch: About $15.00



Snow Day!

Today, for the first time in a long time, the university closed down the school and cancelled classes...for two days straight! I, along with some friends, actually went outside to measure the snow and it was at least 10 in. Right now it's probably around 12in and I'm definitely not making any plans to step outside of this building for a while.


Also, today is the first day of February!
The month of love <3,
Black history month,
My birthday month =),
and one month closer to spring!
(warmer temperatures, ftw!)

For those of you in the Midwest that are caught in the blizzard like me, Stay Safe, Stay Warm, and Stay Inside!